Image Caption Generator using CNN and LSTM
Technologies Used
- Pytorch
- Python
- Spacy
- Last layer of CNN module is removed, and fully connected layer is added that results in the feature vector of size (eg., 256). If batch_size=8, the ouput from cnn module will be of shape (8, 256)
- For each target word it produces 256 length of embedding by passing through the embedding layer. Here the sentence of max_length=40 is used. so the output of embedding layer will be (8, 40, 256), considering batch_size=8.
- The feature_vector from cnn_module and output of embedding_layer is concatenated to result in (8, 41, 256). This input shape is passed to the LSTM cell, which produces the 256 length of hidden_state and cell_state. After the, fc-layer is used to map the 256 length of feature vector to vocab_size=7500+(around). The ouput shape should be (8, 40, 7500+). considering, vocab_size = 7500+
- This above process occurs for the 40th time step, cause lstm process the sequence word by word. The training happens end-to-end.
The Image passes through CNN module to generate feature vector of size 256.
This feature vector passes to lstm cell.
The lstm results on the probability distribution of words in vocab_size.
Loops for 40(max_length), until token is found. – The embedding of ouput word is then passed as input to lstm cell.